Category: Abstracts and registrations
Scientific program is now available
You can now see the list of talks on the Program page. The list of posters will come soon!
Registrations are open!
Dear workshop enthusiasts, The registrations are open! The deadline is July 1st, 2024. Please see the Registrations and Venue & Accommodation pages for details!
Abstract selection results are out
The selection process for talks and posters is complete. You should have been notified by now of the result (if not, check your spam box!). The scientific program will be available soon. Don’t forget to register to confirm your spot!
Abstract submission deadline extended
Dear workshop enthusiasts, the abstract submission deadline is extended until May 10th, 2014 (end of the day). Happy submissions!
Submissions are now open!
Dear workshop enthusiasts, at last, the moment has come! The abstract submission period is now open! We look forward to your contributions! Get all the information on the abstract submission page. The deadline is May 6, 2024.