Category: Conference

  • Conference photo

    Dear participants, Thank you very much for joining the SiQEW 2024! Here you can find the conference group photo.

  • SiQEW 2025 is announced

    The next edition of the SiQEW is officially announced! Check out the website:

  • The conference is about to begin!

    The conference start is upon us! We are looking forward to a great event! Check out the Program, Activity guide, and other pages; we put all the relevant information during the conference on the website. We also released a PDF program for download. We have sent out emails to registered participant with extra information for…

  • New dates and venue!

    Dear Silicon Workshop enthusiasts, In order to accommodate as many of you as possible, while still offering a unique and cozy workshop experience, we have organized a new venue and dates for the workshop! The conference will now take place in Davos at the beginning of September, as described in the Venue page!